Work Packages
Work Packages Structure

OptiDrill project is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research
and Innovation Action under grant agreement No. 101006964
Copyright © 2021 OptiDrill. All Rights Reserved.
This work package will finalise the detailed end-user requirements on which the final design architecture of all subsystems of the
OptiDrill drilling advisory system will be developed and measured.
Work Package Leader
Geolorn Limited (GEO)
List of Tasks
Task 1.1 User requirements
Task 1.2 Preparation of sensor & data acquisition system design specification
Task 1.3 Define what-if Scenarios
Task 1.4 Selection of the validation site
Task 1.5 KPI Definition
List of Deliverables
D1.1 User requirements report
D1.2 Sensor and data acquisition system specification
D1.3 What-if scenario report
D1.4 Validation site selected
D1.5 OptiDrill KPIs
The objectives of this work package to develop
- Sensor selection and specification,
- Monitoring system,
- Data warehouse for project generated rig data storage, and
- Unified data acquisition system for multiple monitoring systems.
Work Package Leader
Technovative Solutions LTD (TVS)
List of Tasks
Task 2.1 OptiDrill Sensor selection and specifications
Task 2.2 Monitoring-system control unit
Task 2.3 Unified data acquisition interface between multiple monitoring systems
List of Deliverables
D2.1 Report on the chosen sensor’s types, sizes and specifications and their respective control specification
D2.2 Monitoring system control unit
D2.3 Unified data acquisition platform
The objective of this work package is to develop a sensor housing with accelerometers and acoustic sensors that can be added to
the existing bottom hole assembly (BHA) and nozzle.
Work Package Leader
Precision Varionic International Limited (PVI)
List of Tasks
Task 3.1 Sensor housing material selection
Task 3.2 Sensor string housing, drill rod multi-scale design, and wiring connection construction
Task 3.3 Sensor housing and drill rod connectivity testing
List of Deliverables
D3.1 Sensor housing material selection report
D3.2 : Sensor housing multi-scale design and connectivity
D3.3 : A test report on sensor housing and drill rod connectivity
The objective of this work package is to develop data transmission system to access real-time data from the BHA
sensor housing developed at the work package 3.
Work Package Leader
Precision Varionic International Limited (PVI)
List of Tasks
Task 4.1 Full construction of sensor string and prototype testing
Task 4.2 Impact testing of prototype configurations
Task 4.3 Laboratory testing, and optimization of novel sensors and the monitoring system in RDE well
enhancement lab.
List of Deliverables
D4.1 Sensor String prototype and upstream data transfer protocol
D4.2 Report on novel nozzle sensor housing testing
D4.3 Report on laboratory optimized Sensor String and monitoring
The objectives of this work packages are:
-Create and implement Data Management Plan (DMP) and the Data Life-cycle Management (DLM) strategy to
ensure interoperability and long-term curation,
-Design and deploy a database for drilling and logging data,
-Populate the data warehouse with drilling and logging data, and
-Perform feature engineering.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 5.1 Data lifecycle and curation strategies
Task 5.2 Data management Plan
Task 5.3 Database creation and population with existing available drilling and logging data
Task 5.4 Interpretation of proposed training legacy databases
List of Deliverables
D5.1 Data lifecycle and curation strategies
D5.2 Data management Plan
D5.3 OptiDrill Database designed, developed and populated
D5.4 Interpretation of proposed training legacy databases
The objectives of this work packages are
- generate drilling and logging data missing within operator’s database and
- generate drilling data for possible drilling, well completion and well stimulation problematic scenarios.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 6.1 List and review drilling, completion and well stimulation scenarios which are not available within operators’ databases
Task 6.2 List and review possible drilling, completion and well stimulation problematic scenarios such as
What-if scenario, Bit wear, Low ROP, Stick-slip vibrations, Pipe failures, Loss of circulation, Excessive
torque and drag, and Borehole instability
Task 6.3 Integration of OPTIDRILL data acquisition system with Drilling simulators
Task 6.4 Field testing, monitoring and scenario simulation for all the required scenarios
Task 6.5 Artificial scenario simulated tests and database assessment and implementation
List of Deliverables
D6.1 Report of drilling, well completion and well stimulation scenarios which are not available within operators’ databases
D6.2 Report of possible drilling, completion and well stimulation problematic scenarios
D6.3 Integration of OPTIDRILL data acquisition system with drilling simulators
D6.4 Data generated and populated in the database
The objective of this work package is to develop and validate ROP prediction machine learning model
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 7.1 Machine learning training data preparation and augmentation
Task 7.2 Independent Machine learning evaluation of training data
Task 7.3 Development of multiple machine learning and Deep Learning models using various algorithms
and AI techniques for drilling and well stimulation ROP prediction and performance optimisation
Task 7.4 Performance efficiency evaluation of each developed ML model
Task 7.5 Statistical validation, assessment and finalization of the most efficient ML model
List of Deliverables
D7.1 Machine learning training data prepared and augmented
D7.2 Machine learning training data independently evaluated
D7.3 ROP prediction ML models developed
D7.4 Performance efficiency of developed ML models evaluated
D7.5 Statistical validation, assessment and ranking of ML model
The objective of this work package is to develop the real-time lithology prediction machine learning model based on drilling process parameters
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 8.1 Petrophysical interpretation of proposed training legacy data to predict
Task 8.2 Assessment, validation, and correlation of seismic and petrophysical logs interpretation of the input data available for training Lithology ML model
Task 8.3 Development and application of multiple ML models using various algorithms to predict drilled lithology based on drilling parameters
Task 8.4 Evaluation and validation of the developed ML models
Task 8.5 Statistical assessment of the selected ML model and validation of the model predictions based on seismic interpretations
List of Deliverables
D8.1 Petrophysical interpretation report
D8.2 Report on assessment, validation, and correlation of seismic and petrophysical logs interpretation of the input data
D8.3 Drilled lithology prediction ML models developed [M25]
D8.4 Evaluation and validation report of the developed ML models
D8.5 Report on the assessment of the selected ML model and validation of the model predictions based on seismic interpretations
The objective of this work package is to develop and validate drilling problems detection and prediction machine learning model.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 9.1 Assessment and quantification of drilling problem scenarios to accommodate usage in ML
Task 9.2 Development of multi-module ML model for major drilling problem scenarios
Task 9.3 Integration of all developed ML model modules as one drilling problem detection and prediction
Task 9.4 Statistical assessment and validation of the developed ML model unit
List of Deliverables
D9.1 Report on assessment and quantification of drilling problem scenarios
D9.2 Multi-module ML model for major drilling problem scenarios
D9.3 Integrated drilling problem detection and prediction model
D9.4 Report on statistical assessment and validation of the developed integrated ML model
The objective of this work package is to develop and validate well completion with jetting machine learning model.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 10.1 independent evaluation and preparation of well enhancement and completion process training
data for machine learning model development
Task 10.2 Development of Machine learning and Deep Learning model for well stimulation process
performance prediction
Task 10.3 Statistical validation, assessment and finalization of the ML model
List of Deliverables
D10.1 Well enhancement and completion process training data prepared for machine learning model development
D10.2 Machine learning and Deep Learning model for well stimulation process performance prediction
D10.3 Report on statistical validation, assessment and finalization of the ML model
The objectives of this work packages are
- develop federated machine learning scheme, and
- develop OptiDrill drilling advisory system prototype
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 11.1 Development of a federated machine learning sharing scheme
Task 11.2 Development of OptiDrill unified, coupled drilling and well stimulation prediction and
optimization system
Task 11.3 Drilling real-time advisory system hardware development
Task 11.4 Development and unification of the monitoring system and the final OptiDrill coupled drilling and well stimulation prediction and optimization system
List of Deliverables
D11.1 Federated machine learning approach for OptiDrill
D11.2 OptiDrill unified, coupled drilling and well stimulation prediction and optimization system
D11.3 Drilling real-time advisory system hardware prototype
D11.4 OptiDrill drilling advisory system prototype
The objective of this task is to integrate OptiDrill drilling advisory system on a full-scale rig for testing and validation.
Work Package Leader
Technovative Solutions LTD (TVS)
List of Tasks
Task 12.1 Integration of the complete developed monitoring system on a full-scale drill rig
Task 12.2 Integration of the Complete OptiDrill Advisory system into a full-scale drill rig
Task 12.3 Test and validation of synchronized functionality of all systems
Task 12.4 Optimization of the entire system based on the test results
List of Deliverables
D12.1 Monitoring system integrated on a full-scale drill rig [M31]
D12.2 OptiDrill Advisory system integrated into a full-scale drill rig
D12.3 Test and validation of synchronized functionality of all systems performed
D12.4 Optimization of the entire system based on the test results
The objective of this task is to perform testing and validation of OptiDrill drilling advisory system.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 13.1 Field testing of the OptiDrill system in a real borehole
Task 13.2 Performance efficiency evaluation and field validation of the well enhancement performance prediction ML model
Task 13.3 OptiDrill drilling advisory system performance monitoring and evaluation
Task 13.4 Validation of the OptiDrill system predictions using post-drilling logging and measurements
List of Deliverables
D13.1 Report on field testing of the OptiDrill system
D13.2 Report on validation of the well enhancement performance prediction
D13.3 Report on OptiDrill drilling advisory system performance monitoring and evaluation
D13.4 Report on validation of the OptiDrill system predictions
The objectives of this task are
- perform full risk analysis and assessment of OptiDrill drilling advisory system and
- demonstrate the potentialities of OptiDrill system to enhance the sustainability and growth of the geothermal power
Work Package Leader
Technovative Solutions LTD (TVS)
List of Tasks
Task 14.1 Risk assessment of OptiDrill drilling advisory system
Task 14.2 Estimate lifetime economic benefits of improved prediction from OptiDrill
Task 14.3 Perform LCA impact with comparative analysis
Task 14.4 OPTIDRILL opportunities on the sustainability of geothermal power
Task 14.5 Social acceptance and socioeconomic issues
List of Deliverables
D14.1 Report on risk assessment OptiDrill
D14.2 Report on the impact of OptiDrill on LCOE
D14.3 Report on the impact of OptiDrill on environmental footprint on geothermal power
D14.4 Report on the impact of OptiDrill on the sustainability of geothermal power
D14.5 Report on social acceptance and socioeconomic issues
The objectives of this work package are
- Increase public awareness of the potential of OptiDrill advisory system,
- Manage the collective impact of the consortium throughout the course of the project,
- Identifying and managing individual and collective exploitation opportunities, and
- Monitoring new IPR creation inside (opportunity) and outside (threat) of the consortium.
Work Package Leader
Technovative Solutions LTD (TVS)
List of Tasks
Task 15.1: Dissemination and public events
Task 15.2 Network Patent Analysis to update the state-of-the-art and monitor FTO with project results
Task 15.3 Exploitation activities
List of Deliverables
D15.1 Dissemination and communication strategy document
D15.2 A communication plan (Initial)
D15.3 A dissemination plan (Initial)
D15.4 An updated Communication and Dissemination plans (Intermediate)
D15.5 An updated Communication and Dissemination plans (Final)
D15.6 Initial exploitation strategy plan
D15.7 Development and maintenance of OptiDrill webpage
D15.8 Report on dissemination event and publications
D15.9 Network patent analysis report
D15.10 Network patent analysis report (Initial)
D15.11 Network patent analysis report (Intermediate)
D15.12 Network patent analysis report (Final)
D15.13 Report on the IPR management and patent filing
D15.14 Consortium exploitation plans, periodical updates (Intermediate)
D15.15 Consortium exploitation plans, periodical updates (Final)
The objectives of this work package are:
- Ensure legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management of the project, the grant and consortium,
- Coordinate knowledge management, deliverables, milestone reports and cost statements,
- Organize consortium meetings and ensure consortium management,
- Coordinate payments and distribution of funding, and
- Liaise between EC and the consortium.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 16.1 Legal and contractual management
Task 16.2 Management and updating of consortium agreement
Task 16.3 Financial and administrative management
Task 16.4 Liaison and communication with EC
List of Deliverables
D16.1 Project Management Pan
D16.2 An updated project management plan
D16.3 An updated project management plan
The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.
Work Package Leader
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (IEG)
List of Tasks
Task 17.1 Ethics requirements
List of Deliverables
D17.1 : POPD - Requirement No. 1